We spent a long weekend in CA, no pictures except this one. We also went to the waterpark and then took wave runners to the lake with my Uncle John and most of his family. It was a lot of fun.
Very shortly afterward Darrick found out his current rotation was essentially cancelled, so he jumped on the opportunity to spend almost 2 weeks in Idaho. The girls were able to take a week of swimming lessons each and we got to enjoy some fabulous weather and fun activities with his family.
Gma & Gpa Neibaur |
We went to the lake over the weekend with lots of family and Gpa's boat. By the time we made it to the lake with everyone and all the gear, most boaters were already pulling out. Caleb found this cozy little spot out of the sun to take a nap (in his life jacket).
Darick's brother owns a couple of horses that are kept at Gpa's house, so we had the opportunity to ride on them a couple of times. The girls really enjoyed all their time with the horses. I love to see them connect with the great outdoors and animals when we visit.
Waiting for their turn with the horses, they drove around the campgrounds in the Cushman.
Aunt Janae pulled out some of her hats. Madelyn got really into character :) She was also posing some gangsta moves. Very funny.
One night we all drove to Jackson to watch a show/dinner performance at Bar J. Again, we were running a little behind and got the VERY last row, but it was great entertainment and food.
We also went to the Lagoon amusement/waterpark for the 4th of July, spent the night camping, and returned again the next day for a few hours before heading back to Vegas. This was Bryn's favorite ride, and unfortunately the only picture I have because we lost the battery charger.
So, on the way home straight from the Lagoon (keep in mind it was waterpark/camping/straight home) we got a blown out tire on the freeway just an hour or so into the drive. It was almost 9 before we rolled into a Walmart in hopes of a new tire- they had just closed at 8:30. In the end we decided to get a hotel and repair it the next day. The hotel had a full hot breakfast spread so I can't complain too much- however we had left our overnight/camping bag in Idaho so had had no toothbrushes, deodorant, showers, brushes, etc. for the last 3 days. We were a sight to behold coming down to breakfast at the hotel, especially waiting at Costco for 3 hours for the repair. Glad the camera had died at this point.
I vaguely remember hearing the girls talk about having a funeral for their (1 day) pet lizard that they accidentally smashed with a rock. Apparently this is a picture they decided to take on their own of their funeral services. I never saw what they had done. It made me laugh a little. His name is written on the rock "black spots."
Sorry you had so much tire trouble. Other than that, it sounds like fun.
Well your girls can certainly say they had some adventures. Glad to hear there was fun and excitement (even if not planned) during your trip. Maybe next time... FRESNO! Course it usually is a bit more boring than all the excitement you have in Idaho apparently.
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