I use to claim that I don't get that big when I'm pregnant. I'm going to have to retract that statement. I don't know if I never looked at myself in the mirror or I have just really gained a lot more weight this time... but here is my extra large bump. Not for much longer though...
Hoover/Boulder Dam train station |
Kelly and MaryAnn came to visit for a week before MaryAnn ships away to Afghanistan. It was, and always is, such a nice treat to have them stay for a visit. We made a couple easy excursions. The train ride sounded like a good idea, but I really wouldn't recommend it to anyone. It was the company that still made the adventure fun, not the ride itself.
Riding on the train
It was at least interesting to see the inside of the train cars done up in the same seats and decor as when they were used to build the Hoover Dam. The kids were given free reign to explore the open cars and entire train during the ride, so they didn't stay in these seats long.
View from new bridge, overlooking Hoover Dam |
I have been waiting for the chance to drive over the new bridge that takes you way up over the Hoover Dam. It has looked so awesome during the construction period. After walking up across the bridge I can say it is a much more spectacular bridge from underneath. Nothing special up top, except of course the view- but that took us awhile to figure out how to access by walking. Just driving over the bridge you can not even see the dam, water, or anything else. Traffic is MUCH enhanced with the opening of the new bridge.
Bryn and her new bosom buddies MaryAnn & Kelly |
Bryn has a shut down period with new people where she won't talk, cry, or even make direct eye contact, even with our guests. However, she took to MaryAnn like a puppy dog and shadowed her everywhere for the week. It was very nice, and fun for me to see her like someone so much. We made a really quick trip to the Red Rocks for MaryAnn & Kelly to see them. We weren't particularly all in hiking shape (myself and Bryn particularly) so we didn't stay long. But, the girls enjoyed it, as always.
Exploring Red Rock |
I think your baby bump looks great. You always shrink right back down too.
Oh you don't even look big at all. You look like you stuffed a little watermelon under your shirt and everything else is the same size as it always is. I get all poofy everywhere.
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