Big Sisters visiting their Little Brother @ the hospital
Oh my goodness, I just realized the nurse is flipping off the camera, SORRY! |
Weighing in at 7 lbs 5 oz., 20 in long |

This little boy has more hair than all of our newborn girls, come on! |
Getting the boot... sorry Bryn |

3 days old
Keeping it real
Bryn helping Daddy out with the broken sink
We got one last outing before Caleb was born. We went to see the Tournament of Kings dinner/show. It was perfect entertainment/show for our kids. They LOVED it.
If you look really hard into the background you can make out our knight, the DRAGON knight (very dark). On the other hand, you don't have to look very hard to find my "ready to pop" self.
Just in case the pic didn't come out, we got one from a brighter knight, little foggy though. Darrick's parents were THANKFULLY here for both the show, and the birth, so we had some great help. |
Congrats Krista, I didn't even know you had the baby!! He is so adorable! I would love to stop by but I won't bring any of my kiddies sick germs over. Please let me know if you need anything, you know where to find me!!
FINALLY! I know it's only been a few days but we've been checking every day, several times, for pictures! He's DARLING. I hope you are all having so much fun with him. Let me know if you need the fuzzibunz shipped! We're going to send a package anyway, so we can send them together if you want. He does have a lot of hair! Very handsome little guy. We can't wait to meet him.
We like the name you chose too! Our boys had been calling him Baby New Baby until today. They'll be excited to know his name.
Welcome Caleb!!! We can't wait to meet you!!! He is absolutely beautiful. I can't believe all the hair, that is so funny. Of course blondie!!:) We might have to plan a trip out to meet that sweet pea! love you guys and are so excited for you SEVEN!!!! Whoa! miss you.
Congratulations. He's adorable. I know he'll be spoiled with all of those big sisters.
Congratulations! He is so beautiful.
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